Motorola 68000
Wanting to start sizecoding on a Motorola 68k platform in this day and age can be tough.
So here is a bit of help to get you started:
The Motorola 68k processor
The Motorola 68k processor...
Note: Assigment direction is source,dest instead of dest,source !!!
To be added.
Atari ST
The Atari ST systems consists of the M68k system with custom hardware for graphics and sound.
Setting up
Setting up your development platform for the Atari ST systems is quite easy, first get the following tools:
- Assembler: VASM - This assembler is able to assemble directly to a TOS image
- Emulator(s): -. Make sure to use the original TOS 1.62 Image for best compatibility.
Compiling to a TOS image
Vasm -Ftos source.s -o source.tos
Video diplay
Video display on the Atari 8bit systems use the TIA chip, it has the following video modes:
To be added soon.
Setting a palette
Here is some code that will help you setup a palette
pea palette(pc)
move.w #6,-(sp)
trap #14
; Palette data
dc.w $000,$100,$200,$311,$422,$533,$644,$755
dc.w $575,$464,$353,$242,$131,$020,$010,$000
Getting something on screen
Here is a bit of code to get you started:
;----------------------- ; Line-A Initialization ;-----------------------
- After calling this function, data register D0 and address register A0 point to a table ; with the starting address of the Line A variables.
- Address register A1 points to a table with the starting addresses for the three system ; font headers,
- and address register A2 points to a table that specifies the starting addresses of the; 15 Line A opcodes. There's no parameter required for this function, so all you have
- to do is call the word opcode label that you specified for the $A000 (Initialize)
- function.
dc.w $A000 movem.l (a0),a1-a4 ; A3=INTIN, A4=PTSIN
;--------- ; For X&Y ;--------- frameloop: move.w #200-1,d7 ; y yLoop: move.w #320-1,d6 ; x xLoop:
; Putpixel put_pixel: move.b d6,d0 ; d0=x eor d7,d0 ; d0=x^y lsr.b #2,d0 ; d0>>=4 and #42,d0 ; d0&42
move.w d0,(a3) ; a3=color(d0) movem.w d6/d7,(a4) ; a4=x,y`
dc.w $A001 ; put pixel command
dbra d6,xLoop ; decrease and branch
dbra d7,yLoop
- Wait loop
bra frameloop ; .s *
The Atari ST systems use the YM8192 chip to generate sound. To be added soon.
Make some noise
To be added soon.