Wanting to start sizecoding on a PDP-11 platforms like the BK-0010 and BK-0011m in this day and age can be tough, especially if you have not grown up with such a machine.
So here is a bit of help to get you started:
The PDP-11
Here is a rough translation for some of the PDP-11 instructions:
- -
Learning PDP-11 Assembler
There are a couple of PDP-11 tutorials available online, but most of them are in russian. Here is a basic one:
Electronika BK-0010
The Electronika BK-0010 is a 16-bit PDP-11-compatible fanless Soviet home computers developed under the Electronika brand by NPO Scientific Center, the leading Soviet microcomputer design team at the time. It was also the predecessor of the more powerful UKNC and DVK micros.
Setting up
Setting up your development platform for the BK-0010/BK-0011m machine works as follows:
- Assembler:
- Emulator:
Video display
Video display
Memory Map
To be added.
Getting something on screen
Now to get something on screen, lets fill our colorram with a simple AND pattern, like so:
to be added
To be added.
Small demos with documented source code
- Zxwister by Ate Bit https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=44123
Additional Resources
I found resources on BK-0010 sizecoding in english to be sparse.
- Good book to start BK-0010 programming http://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=&to=en&ref=TVert&dl=en&rr=DC&a=http%3a%2f%2fgid.pdp-11.ru%2fbooks%2fprogramming_BK10.html
- BK0010 ROM, system, etc http://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=&to=en&ref=TVert&dl=en&rr=DC&a=http%3a%2f%2fgid.pdp-11.ru%2fbooks%2f00001-01.32.03.html
- BK-0011M Information https://www.translatetheweb.com/?ref=TVert&from=&to=en&a=http%3A%2F%2Fgid.pdp-11.ru%2Fbooks%2F00015-01.32.01.html