Case Studies
From SizeCoding
Sometimes it can be helpful to examine a tinyprog in detail, seeing what choices were made and why:
- MELT.COM: We take a cute program from the 1980s and see how far we can crunch it down
- m8trix 8b: An "Enter The Matrix" screen display in only 8 bytes
- 10print: Trixter's attempt to reproduce 10PRINT for x86
- 4is256: rrrola's Tetris is a full tetris clone with scoring
- paint16b: Hellmood's paint program in 16 bytes (really)
External Case Studies
[Brainfuck] is a very tiny language, having only X opcodes. Several attempts at compilers and interpreters have been made; Gynvael archived many different versions along with their source code, the smallest of which was 125 bytes. qkumba took that as inspiration and created his own brainfuck compiler in 100 bytes (104 for one that is fully compliant).